Welcome to the S2A3 web site!
Welcome to the web site of the Southern Africa Association for the Advancement of Science, also known as the S2A3. The Association was founded in 1902, making it the oldest scientific organisation in the country. Please see the History of the Association section for more information.
The S2A3 presents a number of prestigious awards to promising postgraduate students and young as well as established scientists. In addition, the Pretoria Branch organizes public, popular lectures during the year. A overview of past lectures is available. In order to be kept up to date with the latest lectures, please join our mailing list.
S2A3 is run by volunteers. Without their input the S2A3 would no longer exist.
We hope you find our web site informative as far as the activities of the Association are concerned. Please forward any queries or suggestions about this web site to the Webmaster.
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