5 April 2006: Dr Lynne Webber, Lancet Laboratories & Dept of Medical Virology, UP. Influenza – no time for complacency for South Africa.
3 May 2006: Professor Frans Waanders, Director: School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering, NWU: Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site.
7 June 2006: Dr Geoff Grantham, Council for Geoscience. Antarctic – Southern African Geological relationships.
2 August 2006: Prof Rudi van Aarde: Conservation Ecology Research Unit, UP. Conservation of southern Africa’s elephants: dealing with causes rather than symptoms.
14 September 2006: Professor Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan: Zoology Department, University of Cape Town. Dinosaurs: How we know what we know.
6 October 2006: Prof Peter Richerson, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California Davis, USA. Evolution on a Restless Planet: Did Climate Change and Climate Variation Drive Human Evolution?