S2A3 Biographical Database of Southern African Science

Alphabetical list of biographies
Surnames starting with A:


Serial number


Science fields contributed to

2   Abbe, Prof Cleveland   meteorology  
3532   Abbot, Dr Charles Greeley   solar physics  
4   Abel, Dr Clarke   geology  
6   Abercrombie, Dr Alexander   medicine  
7   Abernethy, Mr Henry Perks   invertebrate collection  
8   Abraham, Rev Nendick   Invertebrate zoology, advancement of science  
10   Aburrow, Mr Charles   civil engineering, meteorology  
13   Adair, Mr Alfred   metallurgy, analytical chemistry  
14   Adam, Mr Hector Robert   analytical chemistry, mineralogy, metallurgy  
15   Adam, Mr John   bird collection, taxidermy  
16   Adams, Mr Arthur   conchology  
17   Adams, Miss Constance Georgina   plant collection  
19   Adams, Dr Percy Targett   public health  
18   Adams, Mr Philip Francis Burnett   surveying, geology  
20   Adamson, Rev James Constantine   meteorology, advancement of science  
3536   Adamson, Prof Robert Stephen   botany  
3375   Addams, Mr C E   geological collection  
22   Addison, Dr William Henry   agriculture, fossil collection  
3238   Adelaar, Dr Thomas Frederick   veterinary toxicology and virology  
23   Adendorff, Mr Gerald Victor   electrical engineering  
24   Adlam, Mr Richard Wills   botany  
26   Aiken, Mr James Burnett   geology  
3276   Aitken, Dr Charles James Hill   medicine  
29   Akerman, Sir John William   botany, pharmacology  
31   Alcock, Mr William   advancement of science  
3542   Alden, Dr Harold Lee   astronomy  
3277   Aldrich, Commander Pelham   hydrography, cartography  
3337   Alexander, Dr Richard Chandler   See Prior, Dr Richard Chandler  
33   Alexander, Mr Arthur T   geology  
34   Alexander, Mr Boyd   ornithology  
36   Alexander, Mr Charles William   shell collection  
37   Alexander, Mr Fraser Frederick   metallurgy  
38   Alexander, Mr George David   veterinary science, agriculture  
39   Alexander, Capt James Edward   geography, ornithology, botany  
40   Alexander, Dr Raymond Albert   veterinary science  
3278   Alexander, Captain T   hydrography, cartography  
41   Alford, Mr Charles John   geology  
1353   Alison, Mr Martinus Stuart   See Allison, Mr Martinus Stuart  
45   Allan, Mr W   agriculture  
46   Allen, Dr James Franklin Swithin   medical sciences  
57   Allen, Mr Robert   metallurgy  
47   Allerton, Mr Thomas Edwin   meteorology  
48   Allis, Mr Edward Haggar   astronomy  
49   Allison, Mr Martinus Stuart   geomorphology, plant collection  
51   Almeida Teixeira, Lieut Augusto de   See Teixeira, Lieut Augusto de Almeida  
3479   Alston, Capt Edward Garwood   insect collection, agriculture, plant collection  
52   Alston, Mr Garwood   surveying, insect collection, meteorology, plant collection  
54   Amos, Mr Sydney Thomas Arundell   veterinary science  
55   Anderson, Dr Alfred Jasper   public health  
56   Anderson, Mr Andrew Arthur   geography, archaeology  
2477   Anderson, Mrs Ethyl   See West, Miss Ethyl  
58   Anderson, Mr J E   mining geology  
59   Anderson, Dr Peter von Maltitz   mining engineering  
60   Anderson, Mr William   geology, botany  
61   Anderson, Mr William   geology, palaeontology  
63   Andersson, Mr Charles John   geography, ornithology, insect collection  
64   Andersson, Dr Nils Johan   botany  
66   Andreae, Dr Hans Karl Christian   entomology, plant collection  
67   Andrée, Mr Richard   archaeology  
236   Andreoli, Mr Gabriel   metallurgy  
68   Andrew, Mr John Calvert   civil engineering  
70   Andrews, Mr A J   geology, palaeontology  
71   Andrews, Dr Charles William   palaeontology  
72   Andrews, Mr Edward M   archaeology  
73   Andrews, Mr Edward William   surveying  
74   Andrews, Mr George Robert   civil engineering  
75   Andrews, Mr George Samuel Burt   civil engineering  
76   Andrews, Prof William Horner   veterinary physiology  
78   Angas, Mr George French   mammalogy, anthropology  
3543   Annecke, Dr David Hugo Siegfried   medical sciences  
3405   Appleby, Mr W H   electrical engineering  
80   Après de Mannevillette, Mr Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis   cartography, hydrography  
81   Apstein, Dr Carl Heinrich   marine biology, plant collection  
82   Arber, Dr Edward Alexander Newell   palaeobotany  
83   Arbousset, Rev Thomas   geography  
85   Archer, Mr Joseph   plant collection, horticulture  
86   Arderne, Mr Henry Mathew   plant collection, horticulture  
88   Armitage, Rev Edward   botany  
90   Armstrong, Mr Harry Tennison   veterinary science  
91   Armstrong, Mr James Alexander Haddon   geology  
92   Armstrong, Dr R M   pharmacology  
94   Arndt, Prof Wilhelm Friedrich Carl   mathematics, applied mathematica  
96   Arnold, Dr Frank Arthur   public health, medical entomology  
97   Arnold, Dr George   entomology, archaeology  
98   Arnot, Mr David   plant collection, ornithology  
99   Arnott, Mr William   industrial chemistry  
100   Atherstone, Dr Edwin   bird collection, insect collection  
101   Atherstone, Mr Guybon Damant   civil engineering  
102   Atherstone, Dr John   advancement of science, medicine  
103   Atherstone, Dr Walter Herschel   psychiatry, fish collection  
104   Atherstone, Dr William Guybon   geology, palaeontology, botany, medicine  
105   Atherstone, Mr William John   surveying  
176   Attridge, Mr Alfred James   apiculture  
106   Attridge, Mr Henry Luke   meteorological observation, apiculture  
107   Auge, Mr Johann Andreas   plant collection, horticulture  
3406   Auret, Mr William Henry   plant collection  
109   Austin, Mr Henry Boase   astronomy  
110   Austin, Mr Kenneth   engineering, metrology  
355   Auwers, Prof Arthur von   astronomy  
111   Ayers, Mr Gilbert Frederick   analytical chemistry  
113   Ayres, Mr Thomas   ornithology, insect collection  
114   Ayres, Mr Walter   bird collection  
115   Ayrton, Prof William Edward   electrical engineering