S2A3 Biographical Database of Southern African Science

Alphabetical list of biographies
Surnames starting with D:


Serial number


Science fields contributed to

651   D'Apres de Mannevillette, Mr Jean Baptiste N D   See Après de Mannevillette, Mr Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis  
810   D'Urban, Mr William Stewart Mitchell   botany, insect collection  
632   Da Gama, Captain Vasco   geographical exploration  
3443   Da Silva, Mr Manuel Galvao   plant collection  
3378   Daintree, Mr Richard   geology  
633   Dale, Mr J H   shell collection  
634   Dale, Prof Langham   archaeology  
635   Dale, Mr Robert   mathematics  
636   Dale, Mr Thomas Henry   veterinary science  
637   Dalgairns, Miss Magdaline   plant collection  
563   Dalton, Mr Alan Grant   See Grant-Dalton, Mr Alan  
645   Dalton, Mr Alan Trevanian Grant   See Grant-Dalton, Mr Alan Trevanian  
639   Dalton, Mr George Allen   electrical engineering  
640   Dalton, Prof John Patrick   mathematics  
641   Daly, Miss Mary Florence   plant collection  
644   Dampier, Captain William   geography, plant collection  
649   Danckelmann, Mr Adolf Albrecht Friedrich Wilhelm von   geology  
646   Daniell, Dr George Warwick Bampfylde   anaesthesiology  
647   Daniell, Mr John   chemistry  
648   Daniell, Mr Samuel   zoological illustration, anthropological illustration  
650   Danysz, Dr Jean   veterinary science  
652   Darley-Hartley, Dr William   medical sciences  
653   Darling, Mr George Australia   metallurgy  
654   Darling, Mr J Ffolliott   insect collection, vertebrate collection  
655   Dart, Prof Raymond Arthur   palaeo-anthropology, human anatomy, archaeology  
656   Darvall, Mr Augustus Edward   agronomy  
657   Darwin, Mr Charles Robert   mammalogy, geology  
3419   Davidson, Mr J Duncan   biology  
661   Davidson, Mrs K L   plant collection  
2161   Davies, Mr Arthur Everitt Val   electrical engineering  
663   Davies, Mr Claude Gibney Finch   See Finch-Davies, Lieutenant Claude Gibney  
3420   Davies, Mr John Edward   meteorological observation  
665   Davies, Mr John Hubert   elctrical engineering  
668   Davis, Mr Rees Alfred   horticulture, pomology  
669   Davis, Prof William Morris   geomorphology  
3300   Davy, Joseph Burtt   See Burtt Davy, Dr Joseph  
670   Dawbarn, Mr Robert Arthur   electrical engineering  
671   Dawson, Mr Vivian Neville   insect collection  
3290   Dawson, Mr William E   mineralogy  
672   Day, Mr J C   shell collection  
674   Dayman, Captain Joseph   hydrography  
3291   De Beer, Miss L   insect collection  
3477   De Bèze, Father Claude   plant collection  
3255   De Boom, Prof Henri Pieter Albert   veterinary anatomy, veterinary embryology  
677   De Bucquoy, Mr Jacob   surveying, cartography  
678   De Fenton, Dr John   astronomy, history of medicine  
679   De Fontaney, Father Jean   astronomy  
3254   De Houtman, Mr Cornelis   geographical exploration  
3502   De Keyser, Gouarus   See Keyser, Mr Gouarus de  
683   De Kock, Prof Gilles van de Wall   veterinary pathology  
686   De la Caille, Abbe Nicolas Louis   astronomy, surveying  
1594   De Laessoe, Mr Harold Henry   geographical exploration  
3256   De Lange, Dr Michiel   veterinary science  
688   De Launay, Mr Louis Alphonse Auguste   geology  
696   De Meuron, Count Charles Daniel   plant collection, zoological collection  
706   De Selys de Fanson, Baron Robert   insect collection  
709   De Sitter, Prof Willem   astronomy  
711   De Smidt, Mr Abraham   surveying  
3513   De Vasselot de Régné, Count Médéric   See Vasselot de Régné, Comte de Médéric  
713   De Villiers, Mr C J   fossil collection  
714   De Villiers, Prof Cornelius Gerhardus Stephanus   vertebrate zoology  
715   De Villiers, Dr Francois Jean   agricultural chemistry  
719   De Villiers, Mr Josias Eduard   astronomy, surveying  
720   De Villiers, Prof Louis Celliers   geology  
721   De Villiers, Dr Ockert Tobias   veterinary science  
726   De Vylder, Mr Gustav   plant collection, zoological collection  
730   De Witt, Mr Anthony Marthinus   engineering  
676   Deare, Major George Russel   agriculture  
680   Degrandpré, Count Louis Marie Joseph O'Hier   cartography, physical geography  
687   Delalande, Mr Pierre-Antoine   zoological collection, plant collection  
689   Delegorgue, Mr Louis Adulphe Joseph   exploration, bird collection  
692   Delfos, Mr Cornelis Frederik   engineering  
694   Demaret, Dr Léon   geology  
697   Dendy, Prof Arthur   biology, zoology  
700   Denison, Prof Robert Beckett   chemistry  
701   Denny, Mr George Alfred   mining engineering  
702   Denny, Mr Henry Samuel   metallurgy, mining engineering  
712   Dessauer, Mr Anton Heinrich von   geology  
728   Dewar, Mr William Reid   entomology  
731   Dias, Bartholomeu   geographical exploration  
732   Dibbetz, Dr Reinier de Klerk   medicine  
733   Dickson, Mr Charles Hamilton   metallurgy  
734   Dickson, Mr Edmund   geology  
735   Dickson, Mr William   plant collection  
736   Diels, Dr Friedrich Ludwig Emil   botany  
737   Diesel, Mr Alexander MacDonald   veterinary science  
738   Dieterlen, Mrs Anna (born Busch)   plant collection  
739   Dingley, Mr Robert Henry   fish illustration  
740   Dinter, Mr Moritz Kurt   botany, insect collection  
742   Distant, Mr William Lucas   entomology  
744   Dixie, Miss Ethel May   botanical illustration  
745   Dixon, Mr Clement   mining engineering, metallurgy  
746   Dixon, Prof Harold Baily   chemistry  
2691   Dixon, Mr Hugh Neville   bryology  
747   Dixon, Mr Jeremiah   astronomy  
748   Dixon, Mr Roland William   veterinary science  
749   Dobson, Prof Joseph Henry   electrical engineering  
750   Dobson, Capt Montague Charles   surveying  
751   Dod, A H Wolley   See Wolley-Dod, Lieut-Col Anthony Hurt  
752   Dodd, Dr Sydney   veterinary bacteriology  
755   Dodds, Dr William John   medicine, psychiatry  
756   Dodgson, Dr Robert W   medical research  
753   Dods, Mr DeLancey Valentine   insect collection  
757   Doidge, Dr Ethel Mary   mycology, plant pathology  
760   Donaldson, Mr Thomas   mining engineering  
762   Dörffel, Mr Ernst Friedrich Dagobert   geology  
2698   Dormehl, Mr Pieter Joseph   forestry  
764   Dornan, Reverend Samuel Shaw   geology, anthropology  
765   Dove, Prof Karl   geography, meteorology and climatology  
766   Dowie, R C   archaeology  
767   Dowling, Mr Walford Robert   metallurgy  
768   Draper, Mr David   geology  
3293   Draper, Mr Thomas   horticulture  
770   Drège, Mr Carl Friedrich   plant collection, zoological collection  
771   Drege, Mr Isaac Louis   botany, zoological collection  
772   Drège, Mr Johann Frantz   botany  
773   Drennan, Prof Matthew Robertson   physical anthropology, human anatomy, archaeology  
779   Dreyer, Prof Thomas Frederik   zoology, palaeo-anthropology, archaeology  
780   Dru-Drury, Dr Edward Guy   medical sciences  
781   Drummond, Dr John   medical sciences  
782   Drummond, Mr Richard Oliver Gardner   electrical engineering  
783   Drummond, Mr William Henry   vertebrate zoology  
3294   Drury, Dr Edward Guy Dru   See Dru-Drury, Dr Edward Guy  
784   Drury, Mr James   anthropology, zoological collection, archaeology  
787   Du Buisson, Prof Johannes Petrus   agricultural chemistry  
3517   Du Pasquier, Mr Arthur Edmund   electrical engineering  
813   Du Toit, Dr Alexander Logie   geology, palaeobotany  
814   Du Toit, Prof Anthonie Edward   mathematics  
816   Du Toit, Prof Daniel Francois   physical chemistry  
3515   Du Toit, Mr Heinrich Sebastian Davel   agronomy  
817   Du Toit, Reverend Hendrik Johannes Louw   mathematics  
819   Du Toit, Dr Petrus Johann   veterinary science  
3241   Du Toit, Prof René Michel   veterinary anatomy  
786   Dubois, Mr Raymond   viticulture  
788   Duckitt, Mr William   agriculture  
789   Duerden, Prof James Edwin   zoology, animal science  
790   Duft, Mr Gustav Bernhard   mining engineering  
793   Dumbleton, Mr Roderick Erskine   archaeology  
794   Duminy, Chevalier Francois Renier   hydrography, cartography  
795   Dümmer, Mr Richard Arnold   botany  
796   Duncan, Mr A   ornithology  
797   Duncan, Mr Andrew Henry Farrell   surveying and cartography  
798   Dunn, Mr Edward John   geology, archaeology  
799   Dunning, Major Francis Johnson   veterinary disease control  
800   Dunphy, Mr John Patrick   veterinary science  
801   Dunstan, Prof John Thomas   See Dunston, Prof John Thomas  
802   Dunstan, Prof Wyndham Rowland   mineralogy, plant production  
3494   Dunston, Prof John Thomas   psychiatry  
803   Duparquet, Father Charles Victor Aubert   plant collection, geography  
809   Durant, Mr Henry Thomas   metallurgy  
3518   Dures, Mr Robert   analytical chemistry  
812   Duthie, Miss Augusta Vera   botany  
3421   Duthie, Mr John   meteorological observation  
823   Dwyer, Mr Edward Burroughs   Forestry  
825   Dyer, Sir William Turner   See Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William Turner  
826   Dyke, Mr Edward Stuart Cardinal   plant collection