S2A3 Biographical Database of Southern African Science

Alphabetical list of biographies
Surnames starting with L:


Serial number


Science fields contributed to

1592   Labram, Mr George Frederick   mechanical engineering  
3262   Laessoe, Harold Henry de   See De Laessoe, Mr Harold Henry  
1595   Laffan, Lieutenant Henry David   surveying  
3529   Laing, Prof Michael John   chemistry  
1599   Lake, Mr Philip   palaeontology  
1600   Lamb, Mr James Dugal Cameron   plant collection  
1601   Lambert, Mr James Drummond   veterinary science  
1603   Lamont, Mr William John   agriculture  
1604   Lamplugh, Mr George William   geology, physical geography, archaeology  
77   Lane, Mr Ambrose Austin   ornithology  
1605   Lane, Captain Arthur Henry   veterinary science  
1608   Lang, Dr William Dickson   palaeontology  
1609   Langford, Mr B C R   ornithology  
1610   Langley, Mr E J   shell collection  
1611   Lannin, Mr Ernest William   entomology  
1612   Lansdell, Miss Kathleen Annie   botanical illustration  
3292   Laporte, Francois Louis Nompar de Caumont   See Castelnau, Count Francois Louis de Laporte de  
1613   Laschinger, Mr Edgar Jacob   engineering  
1615   Laske, Dr G   insect collection  
1617   Latham, Mrs Jane   insect collection  
1618   Latour, Mr Ernest   pisciculture  
1619   Latrobe, Reverend Christian Ignatius   geographical exploration  
1624   Lauth, Miss Wanda Marie Frieda   botany  
1626   Lawn, Professor James Gunson   mining engineering, plant collection  
1627   Lawrence, Dr Reginald Frederick   invertebrate zoology  
79   Laws, Mr Harry Edwin   veterinary entomology  
1628   Lawson, Archdeacon George Mervyn   plant collection  
1629   Layard, Mr Edgar Leopold   ornithology, conchology, archaeology  
1657   Le May, Prof Herbert   applied mathematics  
1665   Le Roux, Dr Phillipus Lodewicus   veterinary parasitology  
1672   Le Vaillant, Mr François   ornithology  
1633   Leal, Dr Jose Rodriguez Amaral   veterinary science  
1634   Leatherland, Major Joseph   bird collection  
1636   Ledoux, Dr Charles A   entomology  
1637   Lee, Mr Clifford Walker   metallurgy  
84   Lee, Miss Dorothy Grace   botany  
1638   Lee, Mr George James   geology  
1640   Leendertz, Miss Reino   See Pott, Mrs Reino (born Leendertz)  
1641   Lefeuvre, Dr William Philip   medical sciences, insect collection  
1642   Legat, Mr Charles Edward   forestry  
1643   Legg, Mr William Andrew   civil engineering  
1644   Leggett, Mr Thomas Haight   mining engineering  
1646   Lehfeldt, Prof Robert Alfred   physics, mathematics  
1647   Leibold, Mr Friedrich Ernst   plant collection, horticulture  
1648   Leigh, Mr George F   insect collection  
1650   Leighton, Mr James   horticulture  
1651   Leipoldt, Dr Christian Frederick Louis   medical sciences, plant collection, insect ollection  
1652   Leipoldt, Major Johann Gottlieb Wilhelm   surveying  
1653   Leipoldt, Miss Luise Frances Caroline   invertebrate collection  
1654   Leiste, Mr Christoffel Hieronimus   surveying and cartography  
1655   Leitch, Mr Donald Calder   civil engineering  
1656   Leith, Mr George   archaeology  
87   Lennox, Mr George St Leger Gordon   natural history collection  
1658   Lenz, Prof Oscar   archaeology, geology  
1660   Leppan, Miss Letty   insect collection  
1661   Leppan, Miss Lilly   invertebrate collection  
1666   Leslie, Mr John Morrison   herpetology  
1668   Leslie, Mr Thomas Nicholas   palaeobotany, plant collection, meteorology  
1669   Letcher, Mr Owen   geology, mining engineering  
1670   Letty, Miss Cythna Lindenberg   botanical illustration  
1671   Letty, Mrs Josina Christina   botanical illustration  
3458   Leupold, Mr Henry   mining engineering  
1675   Levyns, Dr Margaret Rutherford Bryan   botany  
1677   Lewis, Mr Alfred Dale   water engineering, physical geography  
1678   Lewis, Mr Frederick James   surveying and cartography  
1680   Lewis, Dr Joseph   analytical chemistry  
3471   Lewis, Captain Reginald Cameron   invertebrate zoology  
3316   Leyland, Mr John   bird collection  
3492   Lichtenheld, Dr Georg   veterinary science  
1681   Lichtenstein, Dr Martin Hinrich Carl   medicine, zoology, plant collection  
1682   Liddell, Mr John M   mining engineering  
3318   Liesching, Mr Carl Friedrich   pharmacy  
3317   Liesching, Dr Carl Ludwig Wilhelm   medicine  
1685   Liesching, Dr Friedrich Ludwig   medical sciences  
1686   Lightfoot, Major Ben   geology  
1687   Lightfoot, Mr Robert Mark   invertebrate collection  
1692   Lincke, Mr Otto   horticulture, plant collection  
1689   Lind, Dr James   astronomy, plant collection  
1695   Linton, Mr Robert   metallurgy  
3373   Lisboa, Joao de   geography  
1696   Lister, Dr Sir Frederick Spencer   medical research  
1697   Lister, Mr Joseph Storr   forestry  
1698   Littledale, Captain Henry Ambrose Pudsay   ornithology  
3319   Littlewood, Mr Edward Thornton   mathematics  
1699   Livingstone, Dr David   geographical exploration  
1700   Lloyd, Mr Frederick John   meteorological observations  
1702   Lloyd Davies, Mr David Ernest   civil engineering  
1703   Loevy, Dr Julius   analytical and metallurgical chemistry  
1704   Lofts, Mr H F   chemistry  
1705   Logan, Mr John Alexander   mining engineering  
1706   Logeman, Prof Willem Hendrik   physics, atmospheric physics  
1707   Lomas, Mr Joseph   geology  
1711   Long, Mr Arthur William   astronomy  
1712   Long, Dr Edward Charles   fossil collection, medicine  
3432   Longden, Mr William Matthias   meteorological observation  
1716   Lotz, Dr Heinrich   geology  
1717   Loubser, Mr Matthys Michiel   mechanical engineering  
1718   Louis, Mr Henry   mining engineering, metallurgy  
1719   Lounsbury, Mr Charles Pugsley   entomology  
1720   Loureiro, Mr Joao de   botany  
1724   Loveday, Mr Richard Kelsey   surveying and cartography  
1725   Lowe, Prof Clarence (Peter) van Riet   archaeology  
1726   Lowe, Mr William Cecil   veterinary science  
89   Lowinger, Mr Victor Alexander   surveying, astronomy  
1730   Lubbert, Dr Anton   See Luebbert, Dr Anton  
1729   Ludwig, Baron Carl Ferdinand Heinrich von   botany, zoological collection  
1727   Luebbert, Dr Anton   bird collection, plant collection, medicine  
3320   Lugard, Mrs Charlotte Eleanor   See Lugard, Major Edward James  
3321   Lugard, Major Frederick John Dealtry   See Lugard, Major Edward James  
1731   Lugard, Major Edward James   botany  
1733   Lundie, Mr Marshall   agricultural chemistry  
1734   Lunt, Dr Joseph   astronomy, spectroscopy  
1735   Lurie, Miss Rebecca Leah   mycology  
1736   Luschan, Prof Felix von   anthropology  
1738   Luttman-Johnson, Mr Hugh Michell   geology  
1739   Lycett, Mr James   zoological collection  
1740   Lydekker, Mr Richard   palaeontology, mammalogy  
1742   Lyle, Mr James   meteorology, atmospheric physics  
1743   Lyle, Dr John Vacy   medical sciences  
1745   Lys, Mr John Robert   meteorological observation