S2A3 Biographical Database of Southern African Science

Alphabetical list of biographies
Surnames starting with S:


Serial number


Science fields contributed to

2436   Salisbury, Mr Frederick Stimpson   botany  
2437   Salkinson, Mr A   engineering  
3504   Saltmarshe, Mr Ernest   plant collection  
2439   Sampson, Mr Hugh Charles   agriculture, botany  
2440   Sandberg, Jonkheer D Christoph Georg Sigismund   geology  
3376   Sander, Dr Karl Ludwig Gotthard   veterinary science  
2441   Sanderson, Mr John   plant collection, archaeology  
3503   Sankey, Mr Humphrey John   plant collection  
2447   Sauer, Dr Johannes   medicine  
2449   Saunders, Sir Charles James Renault   plant collection  
2450   Saunders, Mr Harry Percival   geology  
2451   Saunders, Mrs Katharine   plant collection, botanical illustration  
2452   Sawer, Mr Edward Reginald   agriculture  
3377   Sawerthal, Mr Henry George Emanuel Julius Edward   astronomy  
2453   Sawyer, Mr Arthur Robert   geology, mining engineering  
2454   Saxton, Mr Walter Theodore   botany  
2456   Scaife, Mr Thomas Earle   civil engineering  
2459   Schäfer, Dr Fritz   plant collection  
2462   Scheibe, Prof Robert   geology  
2463   Schenck, Prof Dr Adolf   geology, geography, botany  
2464   Schenck, Mr Karl Friedrich Ludwig   tobacco cultivation  
2466   Scherffius, Mr William Henry   agriculture  
2468   Scheuber, Dr Josef Remegius   veterinary bacteriology  
2469   Schimper, Prof Andreas Franz Wilhelm   botany  
2470   Schinz, Dr Hans   botany, zoological collection  
2472   Schlechter, Mr Ernst Gustav Ludwig Max   invertebrate collection, plant collection  
2471   Schlechter, Mr Friedrich Richard Rudolf   botany  
2474   Schlicht, Albrecht Wilhelm Hugo von   geology, plant collection  
3340   Schlichter, Dr Heinrich (Henry) G   geography, archaeology  
1223   Schlupp, Mr William Frances   economic entomology  
3441   Schmarda, Dr Ludwig Karl   marine invertebrate zoology  
2475   Schmeisser, Mr Karl   geology  
2476   Schmid, Dr Gerhard   veterinary science  
2478   Schmieterloew, Mr Carl August Wilhelm   plant collection  
2479   Schmitt, Mr Charles Friedrich Eduard Oscar   mechanical engineering  
2480   Schmitz-Dumont, Mr G   geology  
2481   Schneider, Prof Dr Oskar   mineralogy, reptile collection  
2482   Schneiderhöhn, Prof Hans   geology  
2483   Schoch, Mr Edward Rengers   geology, mining engineering  
2484   Schoch, Mr Herman Eugene   surveying  
2486   Schoenfelder, Mr Eberhard Bruno Willy   plant collection  
2488   Scholl, Mr Georg   plant collection  
2491   Scholtz, Dr Tielman Johannes Roos   fossil collection  
2492   Scholtz, Dr William Christiaan   medical sciences  
2493   Schonegevel, Mr Herbert William   astronomy  
2494   Schonegevel, Mr Pieter Carstens   navigation  
2496   Schonland, Dr Sir Basil Ferdinand Jamieson   physics  
2497   Schönland, Dr Selmar   botany  
2498   Schöpflin, Mr Friedrich   forestry  
2499   Schreiber, Mr Oscar Albert Egmont   surveying, geodesy  
2500   Schreiner, Mr Samuel Cron Cronwright   See Cronwright-Schreiner, Mr Samuel Cron  
2501   Schreuder, Dr Pieter Juriaan van der Heyde   animal science  
2502   Schreyer, Mr Johan   geography  
2505   Schröder, Mr Henry   palaeontology  
2506   Schubart, Mr Anton Frederik   museum curation  
2508   Schultze, Prof Leonhard Sigmund   zoology, anthropology  
2509   Schulz, Dr Cecil   medical sciences  
2510   Schulz, Dr Julius   medical sciences  
2511   Schulz, Dr Julius Antonius Aurelius   geographical exploration  
3248   Schulz, Prof Kunibert Carl August   veterinary pathology  
2513   Schumacher, Mr Johannes   landscape painting, archaeology  
2515   Schunke, Mr H C   See Schunke-Hollway, Mr Henry Charles  
2516   Schunke, Miss Luise   insect collection  
2517   Schunke-Hollway, Mr Henry Charles   geography, ethnology  
2521   Schwarz, Mr Ernest Hubert Lewis   geology, geography, palaeontology  
2522   Schwarzbach, Dr Bruno Beheim   medical sciences  
2523   Schweder, Mr Kurt Wilhelm Otto   mechanical engineering  
2526   Sclater, Dr Philip Lutley   zoology  
2527   Sclater, Mr William Lutley   mammalogy, ornithology, museum director  
2530   Scott, Prof William Berryman   palaeontology  
2531   Scott, Dr William Robert   medical sciences, meteorological observation  
2532   Scott Elliot, Prof George Francis   See Elliot, Prof George Francis Scott  
2534   Scully, Dr Gerald Creagh   chemistry  
2535   Scully, Reverend Patrick Henry   astronomy  
158   Scully, Mr William Charles   plant collection  
2536   Seaman, Dr John Henry Eglonton   entomology  
2537   Sebba, Prof Felix   chemistry  
2538   Sedgwick, Prof Adam   zoology  
2539   Seebohm, Mr Henry   ornithology  
2540   Seeley, Prof Harry Govier   palaeontology  
2541   Seemann, Dr Berthold Carl   botany  
2543   Seiner, Mr Franz Josef   geography, physical anthropology, botany  
2546   Selous, Mr Frederick Courteney   geographical exploration, zoological collection  
2547   Selys-Fanson, R de   See De Selys de Fanson, Baron Robert  
3374   Senyürek, Professor Muzaffer Süleyman   palaeoanthropology  
2548   Serpa Pinto, Major Alexandre A da Rocha de   exploration  
2550   Severn, Mr Walter Dalrymple   bacteriology  
2551   Seward, Professor Albert Charles   palaeobotany  
2553   Seydell, Mr George Rudolph   meteorological observation  
2554   Seymour, Major Louis Irving   mechanical engineering  
2556   Shand, Prof Samuel James   geology  
2558   Shantz, Dr Homer LeRoy   plant physiology, ecology  
2560   Sharley, Reverend George   advancement of science  
2562   Sharples, Reverend William Gratton   archaeology  
2563   Sharwood, Dr William John   metallurgical chemistry  
2564   Shaw, Mr Frederick George   geology  
2565   Shaw, Mr Henry Ryle   advancement of science  
2566   Shaw, Dr John   geology, botany  
2568   Shelley, Captain George Ernest   ornithology  
2569   Shepherd, Mr Percy Gladstone   geology  
2570   Sheppard, Mr Percy Alexander   ornithology, insect collection  
159   Sherwood, Prof Ernest Thomas Garton   physics, applied mathematics  
2571   Shilston, Dr Arthur Wilfred   veterinary science  
2573   Shipley, Sir Arthur Everett   zoology  
2575   Shores, Mr John Wallis   railway engineering  
2576   Shortridge, Captain Guy Chester   mammalogy, ornithology  
2577   Shrubsall, Dr Frank Charles   physical anthropology, human anatomy  
2579   Sieber, Mr Franz Wilhelm   plant collection  
2580   Sieber, Dr Johann (Hans) Baptist Friedrich   veterinary science  
2582   Sim, Mr James M   forestry, plant collection  
2584   Sim, Dr Thomas Robertson   botany, forestry  
2585   Simenhoff, Lt-Col Louis   geography  
2586   Simms, Mr Alexander   surveying  
2587   Simoens, Dr Joseph Auspicio   medicine  
2588   Simon, Dr Alfred Leon   inorganic chemistry  
2589   Simon, Mr Eugène   invertebrate zoology  
2590   Simons, Dr Lewis   physics  
2591   Simpson, Mr Charles Baird   entomology  
2592   Simpson, Mr Duncan I R   metallurgy  
2594   Simpson, Mr Horace Sydney Kendall   surveying  
2596   Simpson, Prof Col Robert John Shaw   meteorology, medicine  
3249   Simpson, Dr William Alexander   veterinary science  
2597   Simpson, Dr Sir William John Ritchie   medical sciences  
2599   Sinclair, Mr John Maclure   veterinary science  
2600   Sinclair, Dr St Clair Overbeek   analytical chemistry  
2601   Sivewright, Sir James   electrical engineering  
2602   Skaife, Dr Sydney Harold   entomology  
2603   Skead, Francis   hydrography  
3384   Skead, Frederick   hydrography  
2606   Skinner, Sir Harry Ross   civil engineering, mining engineering  
2607   Skirrow, Mr John   civil engineering, architecture  
2608   Skjellerup, Mr John Francis   astronomy  
160   Skoog, Mr Hilmer Nils Erik   zoological collection  
3275   Skues, Dr Frederic Mackenzie   veterinary science  
2612   Slotsboo, Captain Kaje Jesse   surveying  
2613   Smalley, Prof George Robarts   mathematics, geophysical observation  
3341   Smart, Mr Edgar   metallurgy  
2614   Smart, Mr George Osler   metallurgy  
166   Smit, Mr Charles William Henry   entomology  
2619   Smit, Dr Jelle Albertus Roorda   See Roorda Smit, Dr Jelle Albertus  
2620   Smit, Reverend Pierre Jaques   zoological illustration  
3360   Smith, Colonel James   See Irvine-Smith, Colonel James  
2622   Smith, Mr Andrew   pharmacology, plant collection  
2623   Smith, Dr Andrew   vertebrate zoology  
2624   Smith, Mr Charles Abercrombie   mathematics, advancement of science  
2626   Smith, Mr Christopher Webb   ornithology, botanical illustration  
2627   Smith, Mr Edgar Albert   marine invertebrate zoology  
2628   Smith, Mr Frank Braybrooke   agriculture  
2629   Smith, Mr Fred   analytical chemistry  
2630   Smith, Maj-Gen Frederick   veterinary science  
172   Smith, Mr Gavin Hildick   See Hildick-Smith, Mr Gavin  
2631   Smith, Mr George William   geology  
167   Smith, Prof Sir Grafton Elliot   palaeo-anthropology  
2633   Smith, Mr Harry Abraham   civil engineering  
3342   Smith, Mr Marcus   railway engineering  
2635   Smith, Mr Martin   fossil collection  
3343   Smith, Prof Reginald T   applied mathematics, physics  
3401   Smith-Windham, Mr Ashe   See Windham, Mr Ashe Smijth  
2640   Smuts, General Jan Christiaan   botany, advancement of science  
2641   Smuts, Dr Johannes   mammalogy  
2643   Smyth, Mr Charles Piazzi   astronomy, surveying  
2644   Snape, Prof Alfred Ernest   civil engineering  
2646   Snyman, Dr Philippus Stefanus   veterinary science  
2647   Soga, Mr Jotello Festiri   veterinary science  
2648   Soga, Dr William Anderson   medicine, entomology  
3344   Solander, Mr Daniel   botany  
2650   Sole, Miss M   insect collection, mollusc collection  
3345   Sollas, Professor William Johnson   archaeology  
2651   Somerville, Dr William   exploration  
2652   Sonder, Mr Otto Wilhelm   botany  
2653   Sonnerat, Mr Pierre   plant collection  
2654   Sordahl, Mr Louis O   solar physics  
2655   Sordahl, Mrs Margaret   Natural history  
2656   South, Mr Ben H   plant collection  
2657   Southey, Mr Claud Gilfillan   archaeology  
2658   Southey, Sir Richard   advancement of science  
2659   Soutter, Mr John Lyall   meteorology  
2661   Sowerby, Mr George Brettingham   conchology  
2662   Sowerby, Mr John Lawrence   ornithology  
2663   Sparrman, Mr Anders   geography, botany, zoology  
2664   Sparrow, Colonel Richard   ornithology  
3444   Sparrow, Mr W B   See Sparrow, Mr W W K  
3445   Sparrow, Mr W W K   civil engineering  
2665   Spencer, Dr Henry Alexander   medicine, meteorology, archaeology  
178   Spencer, Dr William Kingdon   palaeontology  
2667   Spengel, Mr Hermann   electrical engineering  
3386   Spielhaus, Mr Arnold Wilhelm   See Spilhaus, Mr Arnold Wilhelm  
3346   Spilhaus, Mr Arnold Wilhelm   botany  
2671   Spreull, Dr James Spreull Harvey   veterinary science  
2674   Stainbank, Mr Dering Lee Warner   meteorological observations  
2675   Stainbank, Mr Henry Ellerton   botany, microbiology  
2676   Stainthorpe, Mr Thomas William   sanitary engineering  
2679   Stanger, Dr William   surveying and cartography, plant collection, geology  
2680   Stanley, Prof George Hardy   metallurgy, geology  
2681   Stanley, Mr Henry Morton   exploration  
2682   Stapff, Dr Friedrich Moritz   geology, meteorology, plant collection  
2685   Stapleton, Father Philip   archaeology  
2686   Stapleton, Mr Ryland   advancement of science  
3270   Stapley, Dr Walter   veterinary science  
2687   Stark, Dr Arthur Cowell   ornithology  
3250   Starke, Prof Neville Charles   veterinary surgery  
2688   Starrenburg (h), Mr Johannes F   plant collection  
2690   Stead, Mr Arthur   agricultural chemistry  
2692   Steart, Mr Frederick Anthony   geology, mining engineering  
2693   Stebbing, Rev Thomas Roscoe Rede   invertebrate zoology  
3446   Stebbins, Miss Inez Frances   botany  
3251   Steck, Dr Werner   veterinary pathology  
2694   Steedman, Mr Andrew   vertebrate collection  
2695   Steedman, Miss Ellen Constance   botany  
2696   Steel, Mr John Stollery   museum curation, advancement of science  
2700   Stegmann, Prof Ebenhaeser Theodore   mathematics  
2701   Stegmann, Mr George Frederick   surveying  
2703   Stein, Prof Philip Bernard   mathematics, applied mathematics  
2704   Stenning, Mr Arthur Nimrod   pisciculture  
2705   Stent, Miss Sydney Margaret   botany  
2706   Stephan, Dr M J   economic geology  
2709   Stephens, Miss Edith Layard   botany  
3388   Stephens, Captain Samuel Phillips   meteorological observation  
2712   Sterne, Dr Max   veterinary science  
3347   Steuart, Mr Douglas Stuart Spens   geology  
2713   Steuart, Dr William   radiology  
2714   Stevens, Mr Callcott Maximilian   astronomy  
2715   Stevens, Mr Frank Kingsley   civil engineering  
2716   Stevens, Mr George Henry   meteorological observations  
2718   Stevenson-Hamilton, Lieut-Col James   nature conservation, ornithology  
2719   Stewart, Mr Charles M   meteorology  
2720   Stewart, Mr George   civil engineering  
180   Stewart, Miss Mabel   plant collection  
2721   Stewart, Mr Thomas   civil engineering, geology, meteorology  
2722   Steyn, Prof Douw Gerbrand   toxicology, pharmacology, veterinary science  
3271   Steyn, Dr Herman Philip   veterinary science  
2723   Steyn, Dr Hermanus Johannes   ophthalmology  
2727   Stibbe, Prof Edward Philip   anatomy  
2728   Stigand, Capt Almar Gordon   cartography  
2729   Stimpson, Dr William   conchology  
2730   Stirling, Major Robert Ferguson   veterinary science  
2731   Stockhausen, Dr Friedrich   metallurgy  
2732   Stockman, Sir Stewart   veterinary science  
2733   Stoehr, Dr Frederick Otto   See Stohr, Dr Frederick Otto  
2735   Stohr, Dr Frederick Otto   ornithology, plant collection, psychiatry  
2736   Stokes, Brigadier Ralph Shelton Griffin   metallurgy  
2737   Stokoe, Mr Thomas Pearson   plant collection  
2738   Stone, Mr Edward James   astronomy  
2740   Stoneman, Dr Bertha   botany  
2741   Stonestreet, Mr George David   geology  
2745   Stott, Mr Clement Horner   geology  
2746   Stow, Mr George William   geology  
2749   Strachan, Dr Peter Donald   medicine  
2750   Strange, Mr William Lumisden   civil engineering  
2755   Stroud, Dr James William   entomology, agriculture  
2756   Struben, Mr Arthur Marinus Alexander   civil engineering  
2757   Struben, Mr Frederick Pine Theophilus   geology  
2758   Struben, Mr Hendrik Wilhelm   economic geology  
182   Stutterheim, Dr Nikolaas Anton   ophthalmology  
2760   Stutzer, Prof Dr Otto   geology  
2761   Suk, Prof Vojtech   physical anthropology  
2762   Sully, Mr Clement William   electrical engineering  
2763   Sulman, Mr Henry Livingstone   metallurgy  
2764   Summerhayes, Dr James Ward   bacteriology  
2766   Sutherland, Dr Peter Cormac   geology, surveying, plant collection  
2767   Sutherst, Dr Walter Frederick   chemistry, agricultural sciences  
2769   Sutton, Sir George Morris   forestry  
3272   Sutton, Dr Gerald Duncan   veterinary science  
2771   Sutton, Dr John Richards   meteorology, mineralogy  
2773   Swan, Mr James Archibald   archaeology, shell collection  
2774   Swan, Mr Robert McNair Wilson   archaeology, geography  
2777   Swete, Mr Oswald Ricketts   electrical engineering  
2779   Swierstra, Mr Cornelis Jacobus   entomology  
3447   Swierstra, Mrs Niesje   insect collection  
2780   Swinburne, Mr John   insect collection  
2781   Swinburne, Mr Umfreville Percey   mining engineering, geology  
2782   Swinny, Mr Henry Hutchinson   insect collection, plant collection  
2783   Swynnerton, Mr Charles Francis Massy   ornithology, entomology, botany  
210   Sykes, Miss Mary Gladys   See Thoday, Mrs Mary Gladys  
2785   Symonds, Dr Edmond   ornithology  
3448   Symonds, Dr Henry   medicine  
2787   Symons, Mr Roden Edward   ornithology, mammal collection, plant collection  
3356   Synnot, Capt Walter John   plant collection